What happened to my hair?
She gave me a virgin relaxer and noticed the ends were still curly. So about 2 touch-ups later, she decided to pull the relaxer through to the ends of my hair to correct the ends. My ends have been thinning out ever since. I think the reason my ends were still curly was because they started out damaged and may have been "left-overs" from the relaxer that I had grown out previously. But I figured, she's a professional so she must know what she's doing. WRONG! I also need to mention that I heat style my hair so I'm sure the blowdryer and flatiron did not help my ends.
So from there I let my mom use the Elasta Qp relaxer on me. That was ok but I wanted better results so I tried the Trade Secret salon in my local salon. I talk about my experiences here and here. I got trims on both occasions but I can see that I need a cut. So, I'll be getting about 2 inches cut off and we'll see what happens.
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